The Forest for the Trees – Jeremiah 17:7-8



Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Today also marks the end of October and this month of praying circles around the orphans at the Mole orphanage and praying for sponsors and the growth of fully funded family trees all throughout the ministries at Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. Although these month-long prayer circles and sponsorship drive are technically over, that does not mean that the prayer or sponsorship will stop. I’m asking that you will continue to pray circles around these sweet children I’ve highlighted this month and also that you will continue to pray for all the other residents at NWHCM (orphans, elderly, special needs). I’m still praying that they will be fully funded and that their family trees will be completely filled with sponsors. I pray that people will continue to pray circles around them and that they will love and encourage them, even from afar. I pray that God will continue to work in our hearts, that He will call us and many more to give in order to help further His kingdom – whether that would be resources, finances, time, energy, love, etc… And I pray that when we hear His calling that we will answer in obedience and faith, that we will step out of the boat onto the water, and we will follow. My prayer is that we answer God’s calling with “Here am I. Send me. Use me.” I’m continuing to pray for all the residents at NWHCM and their family trees and I’m praying that God will use these relationships to do some crazy, amazing things! One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 17:7-8 and I feel like it’s really appropriate for this situation and it’s my prayer for all the residents at NWHCM and for all of the sponsors in their family tree. Here’s what it has to say:

Jeremiah 17:7-8 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Please join me in continuing to circle NWHCM, their ministries, and all the mission staff and residents in prayer as we believe and wait for the miracles God is working right around us. Also, be prayerfully considering joining a family tree if you have yet to do so. I truly believe that God can and will work in crazy ways through these families and the relationships they are building.

A Spirit of Grace – Magdalie

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Today I want to pray circles around a sweet girl who has a special place in my heart, Marie Julie Magdalie Joseph. I started sponsoring Magdalie last year, right after she got to the Mole orphanage. But it wasn’t till my internship this year that I got to meet her and let me tell you, she has a fun spunky personality! This girl’s not afraid to march to the beat of her own drum and she owns her personality with confidence and grace. She has such a big, beautiful smile, especially now that she’s missing her two front teeth! I love her big grin and also her laughter; she has such a contagious joy!!! I loved getting to spend time with her this summer just having fun and being silly! We got some great funny photos as Magdalie pulled out a ton of funny faces! Magdalie also has a huge, compassionate heart as she loves on her brothers and sisters and helps them out.

Photo credit: Beth Lockwood

Photo credit: Beth Lockwood
Magdalie helping sister Sabrina braid hair

Today I just want to pray circles around this sweet girl and that God will continue to call her heart to Him, that she’ll grow in faith and love. I pray she learns to trust and rely on God throughout all life’s circumstances and that her faith will become a firm foundation on which she can stand upon confidently. I pray that she will be filled with the Spirit and that fruit will be grown in her life and that an overflowing of these fruit of the Spirit will allow her to share them with those around her. I pray she will shower those around her with the love of Christ and that God will cultivate in her a servant’s heart that is selfless and generous. I pray that above all she will always remember how much her Lord and Savior loves her and how her value cannot be found in anything else other than the price Christ was willing to pay to save her. I pray that she will hold onto this truth through it all and that she will be eager and ready to share the hope of her faith with the lost and hurting she encounters in this world. I pray that she will become a beautiful woman of God who follows in the plans He has for her and obediently lets the Spirit work through her life.

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring
Magdalie and me being silly
(Check out our sticker earrings! – Magdalie’s genius idea!)

I’m also praying that God will call others to support and sponsor her as she grows and walks in down the paths God has planned for her. I pray that 6 more sponsors will join me in committing to sponsor her as we grow her family tree to have fully supported branches and deep roots connected to the source of life, which is Christ. Check out her sponsorship page here:












Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

A Hilarious Heart – Rovenson


Today is Rovenson’s day! This little guy really grabbed a hold of my heart this summer and we became buddies! Rovenson is quite the mischievous one of the little ones at the orphanage. He’s a little ornery and he can get his grumpy face and attitude when he gets upset. But this little guy also has a huge heart! He loves to cuddle and be held and whenever I saw him this summer he would run up and want to be picked up! Seriously, I gained some muscles this summer from always carrying this kid around! I can’t even describe how sweet Rovenson is and how much I love this little guy! He’s such a sweetheart who loves hanging out with others and being loved on. He loves to play and be silly! And he absolutely loves balloons!!! I think one of the funniest moments from this summer was the Meridian team’s birthday party for the orphanage, complete with balloons and fun! Rovenson loved these blue balloons that he got to play with and had such incredible joy and laughter, until the wind blew the balloons away and they popped! Such joy to such sadness and tears in just a split second! But we would quickly have him run over to get a new balloon and he’d start the whole emotional roller coaster over again! Rovenson does have such a joy in his heart and his smile and laugh are absolutely precious! Like I said, he loves being silly and especially making funny faces and taking silly photos! He is such a goofball full of energy and laughter! Anyway, like I said, this little guy really took a piece of my heart and today I want to pray over him. I pray that he will keep his laughter and joy and that he won’t let the petty things of life rob him of that joyful spirit! I pray he will never grow too old to be silly and have fun and that he will be able to incorporate these characteristics into his life at the proper times. I pray that God will give him opportunities to express his joy and also grow in mastering his emotions and being able to have that contentment and joy no matter what external circumstances bring. I also pray that he will continue to build deep relationships with others, especially his orphanage family of brothers and sisters. I pray that he will stand up for them and encourage and lead them as he grows into the godly man God desires him to be. And I pray that the relationship he fosters the most will be his relationship with God, that he’ll value that relationship above all others and take into consideration God’s words over being swayed by the world. I pray that he will build that firm foundation of faith that can serve for a basis for other fruit of the Spirit to grow in his life. I pray that God will watch over this precious child of His and that He will mold Rovenson to be more like Christ everyday through the situations he faces. Would you join me in praying over this sweet child today? And would you prayerfully consider “stepping out of the boat” to sponsor Rovenson? Would you join his family tree of support and become a part of his life? This little guy only needs 3 more sponsors to be fully funded! Would you join in to help fully support him and help NWHCM grow a forest of family trees full of support and love! Check out his sponsorship page here:

A Spunky Sister & a Thoughtful Brother – Bebe & Magislot


Today a double feature highlighting both spunky Bebe and sweet Magislot! These two kids have a huge part of my heart, I just love them so much! I feel like I could say that for every post from this month that I’ve featuring the kids from the Mole orphanage! My heart is just overflowing with love! I honestly love all these kids so much, every single one of them has such a special place in my heart and I just want to cover them with prayer and hope that others can see what I see in them too. These precious kids are so great and all unique in their very own ways and I’m just praying that as we wind up this month of October (can you believe it’s already over?!) that we will continue to keep all these kids in our hearts and minds and that we’ll continue to circle them in prayer. I pray that more sponsors will still join these family trees, that people will commit to loving and caring for these kids through prayer and financial support and I pray that these family trees will become fully funded! I pray that each kid has a full grown family tree of support and that these family trees will come together to form a forest of sponsorship that will glorify God. Maybe it won’t all happen today, or even this month, but I pray that God will continue to call and work on the hearts of those He wishes to involve in this process and most of all, I pray that we keep believing that He is working and it will all work out in His perfect timing. I’m praying for the forest for the trees and all these kids and many more who challenge and inspire me in my faith and yet still need others to come alongside them to encourage them.

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Anyway, today I want to circle Bebe!!!  This girl is full of spunk and has a unique, standout personality! She is such a sweetheart and is a joy to be around, mostly because her heart is so full of joy! She has a great smile that is always on her face and she just loves life! She loves playing with her brothers and sisters and she is such a great leader to the little ones! She loves to sing and have fun and be silly! Honestly, she’s just a little fireball of energy and joy! She is full of a fiery zeal for life and a compassionate heart committed to helping lead others. Her confident and content spirit make her stand apart from the world. I pray she will be unafraid to always be herself and stand up for herself. I pray she will continue to stand boldly and confidently for her faith and that these qualities with continue to draw people in to ask the question, why? I pray that when the questions come, Bebe will be ready to explain why she can have such joy and trust in the midst of any circumstances and why her faith can withstand it all. I pray that she will grow to have this kind of faith and continue to rely on the Lord for her joy and that she would trust Him to fill her spirit and be enough for her each day. I pray she will continue to lead her siblings in song and prayer and that she will help encourage them to grow in their faith as well.  Praying that there will be those who feel called to join Bebe’s family tree and support her and encourage her growth. Praying that Bebe will be fully sponsored as these 7 spots are filled with people committing to be a part of her family! Check out her sponsorship page here to learn more:

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Bebe and Magislot love the swings!

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: NWHCM

Today I also want to circle sweet and serious Magislot in prayer! This little guy is such a thinker, I feel like he’s always pondering something and he has that serious look in his eyes! Magislot faces a lot of health struggles but that doesn’t stop him from living life to the fullest! He too has such an inexpressible joy, it bubbles up and overflows from his heart and I absolutely love his sweet smile and laugh! He is such a sweet and compassionate kid, I feel like God is growing a spirit of service and selflessness in him as he helps out the orphanage mamas and watches over his brothers and sisters. Today I just pray that he keeps his sweetness and compassion throughout life and that he’ll never hesitate to extend a helping hand to those in need. I pray that God will place people in his path that he can love on and care for as he realizes that everyone is fighting their own battles. I pray that God will also bring great and caring people into his life to love on him and encourage him as he grows in faith. I pray that there will be those who filled call to commit to financial supporting Magislot and caring for him as a part of his family tree! There’s room for 6 more! Here’s his sponsorship page:

Photo credit: Emily Spring


A Playful Heart – Sandley

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Today’s post is all about Sandley! This sweet little guy loves to play and he’s quite content to do so all day! His favorites are blocks and balloons, as we found out during the orphanage birthday party Meridian put on this summer! He was having such a great time running around and collecting all the balloons that were blowing around in the wind! Anyway, this precious guy is such a sweetheart and loves hanging out with people and having fun! And today I just want to circle him in prayer. I pray that he’ll continue to grow in the Lord, I pray that he will grow in his faith and reliance on God. I pray that he will continue to have a fun-filled attitude throughout life, that he won’t lose his childlike attitude and that it will create a childlike trust and faith in him also. I pray that he continues to have fun in life, to enjoy what God has blessed him with but also realize that we worship the Creator and not the created. I pray he won’t hold too tightly to the things God has blessed him with, knowing that all these things will pass away, or blow away in the wind like the balloons. I pray he will still have an attitude of thanksgiving when the Lord takes away things from his life and that he will ultimately trust God in his life. I also pray that God will call sponsors to grow this little one’s family tree! There’s room for 8 branches to grow! Would you consider joining his family tree and filling one of those 8 spots today? To be a part of sweet Sandley’s life and help pray and support him as he grows? Check out his sponsorship page at the link below to find out more:



A Courageous Child – Neiderson


Photo credit: Emily Spring

Today I want to circle Neiderson in prayer! He is such a sweet and fun-loving little guy! He loves to play games and be outside, and he loves to swing! His brother Pierreson and him love spending time out on the swings and making up new games to play. Neiderson loves hanging out with all his brothers, they get along great most of the time and they love playing together. Magislot and him were inseparable best buds the first time I met them and loved going to the beach and playing in the sand and water. Neiderson just loves to have fun and he loves to laugh! He’s super enthusiastic about everything he does and he has a zeal and passion for life. He’s not afraid to try new things and will literally run headfirst into new experiences. That’s why I think he has a courageous and zealous heart! I pray that Neiderson will always keep his fun-loving attitude and his love to play and be silly! I pray he will continue to be zealous and enthusiastic about life and that he will recognize that all the good things he has in life come from God. I pray this realization will foster a spirit of thanksgiving and joy in him. I pray that Neiderson will keep on loving his brothers and sisters with a Christ-like love and that he will be for them always – ready to back them up or look after them. I pray that he will look to Christ in all things, that he will keep Christ in the center of all he does and that this will strengthen and help his faith grow. I pray that he will know that with Christ all things are possible and that as a believer he too will have the Holy Spirit’s power living within him. I pray that this realization will keep him grounded and steady in his faith, that he will know he has nothing to fear with God on his side. I pray he’ll continue to run the race God has laid out for him with no fear and no regrets, that he will follow hard after Christ filled with a courage that can only come from a firm foundation of faith. I pray that there will be other believers who come along Neiderson as he runs this race of life, to encourage and cheer him on. I pray that God will call some to become sponsors for Neiderson to financially support him and love on him, even from afar. I pray that the 6 remaining spots on his family tree will be filled!
Check out his sponsorship page and consider joining his family tree today:


Photo credit: Emily Spring

A Social Butterfly – Angela

Photo credit: NWHCM

Photo credit: NWHCM

Today I want to circle Angela in prayer! She has such a loving and outgoing personality! She loves everyone she meets and she wants to be everyone’s friend! As Jody said, she is quite the social butterfly! This girl loves hanging out with other people, especially her sisters and younger brothers! They all love to play games together and just be silly and laugh! Angela loves to laugh and she has such a great smile! And she cracks me up with her silliness and all her fantastic and crazy hair-dos! Today I want to pray that this sweet girl with keep her spunky and outgoing characteristics, that she’ll really grow into her own personality and not be afraid to be herself always. I pray that she will continue to make friends with everyone she meets and that she won’t ever let the fear of rejection or judgment keep her from introducing herself and building these friendships. I  pray that God will continue to place people in her path who need love and are looking for a friend and that Angela will be able to show them a little glimpse of Christ’s love for us. I pray that she will continue to build into and encourage her siblings as they grow older, that they will stay close and not let anything come between them. That’s one of my biggest prayers for these orphans, that they will grow so close to each other, that they will be for each other always. I pray God works through Angela in this way too. I pray that she will be filled with the love and joy of Christ . I pray that she won’t look to other people to find her worth, that she won’t value their opinion or approval more than God. I pray that she will know to always look to Christ to find her worth, that she’ll know she is worth infinitely more than anything to God, that He was willing to pay everything for her. I pray that God will bring forward people to sponsor and support Angela, to help encourage her as she grows up and grows in faith. I pray that there will be sponsors willing to support her and fill all her family tree branches! There’s room for 8 more! Would you please consider joining Angela’s family of support? Check out her sponsorship page here:



An Energized Smile – Kiki



Today I want to pray over Kiki! This little guy is so full of joy and his sweet smile is so contagious! He is such a happy kid who loves playing ball and other games! He also loves playing at the beach, in the sand and water! He is just full of energy all the time! He doesn’t seem to tire or lose his sweet, bright smile! He loves hanging out with friends just being silly and having fun. And that of course includes taking silly photos; he’s a photogenic little guy! Anyway, today I want to pray for Kiki, that he’ll keep the joy of the Lord deep in his heart and that he won’t hesitate to showcase it to others by his actions and smiles! I pray that as he grows, Kiki will realize the importance of being a true friend to others and how his energetic and joyful heart can help him be there for others to cheer them up. I pray he’ll continue to spend time playing together and building relationships with his siblings and that they’ll be there for each other all throughout life. I pray that God will continue to replenish his strength and energy and that he’ll be able to keep going (50 feet further!) in everything he does for the Lord! I pray God will work through Kiki to further His kingdom and do His will on earth. I pray that Kiki realizes that God works through our weaknesses and that this is a major testament to the power of God to all who are watching our lives. So whenever Kiki does feel tired or worn down by life, that he’ll just use those moments to glorify God even more by allowing God to work through his weaknesses instead of relying on his own strength. For when we are weak, then we are strong with God! Join me in praying for this sweet and smiley boy today! Also, prayerfully consider joining his family tree today! There are 6 sponsors needed till Kiki is fully funded! Would you join him today? Check out his sponsorship page here:



A Content Heart – Wilgens


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Today I want to circle Wilgens in prayer! This little guy is so joyful! I don’t think I’ve ever seen him without his bright shining smile on his face! He always has this big grin on his face and it’s so genuine, something that really sets him apart. His heart is full of joy and I truly believe he is content and loving life! I think that we sometimes underestimate what it means to be content and the power in that. I think Wilgens really has a content and joyful heart and it is so challenging to see; it encourages me to seek my joy and satisfaction from the Lord and to let that overflow into my life like that. Wilgens just loves living life and having fun; he loves playing games with his siblings. He also is a huge help to the orphanage mamas as he cares and looks after his younger brothers. Today I’m praying that Wilgens will never, ever lose that bright beautiful smile! I pray that throughout life’s circumstances and trials that he will always have this deep-rooted joy in his heart. I pray that as others see his genuine smile they’ll wonder why and how he can be so joyful and content in this world. And I pray that God will give him the words to answer those questions as he uses his life to continually point to the power of God. I pray he keeps this genuineness and honesty, I pray that he doesn’t learn to fake contentment and happiness but let’s God fill him with super-natural joy and satisfaction with life. I pray he knows that his joy and hope are in the Lord and that means that no matter what circumstances come his way, he can remain unshaken in his faith in the Lord. I pray that this sweet boy will continue to grow a heart full of compassion as he continues to serve and help others around him. I pray that he will serve as an example to his younger brothers and that he will help them when they are in need. And I pray that there will be sponsors to help support Wilgens in his life. There’s room for 4 more in his family tree! Will you seriously and prayerfully consider joining this sweet, joyful boy’s family today? Check out his sponsorship page to join his family today:

A Show-Stopper – Sondley


Today I want to circle little Sondley in prayer! He is such a sweetheart and cutie! He has a sweet little smile that’s always on his face! I love this smile! This little guy loves being in the spotlight, he loves to join his older sisters in singing, even if that means coming to steal the show! He loves playing with his brothers; him and Sony are quite the pair and they love to play games together! Sondley loves to be around people, to be picked up and held and carried around. He’s such a sweetheart but he’ll put on a grumpy face if you try to leave him! But his sweet toothy grin and little laugh makes it hard enough to say goodbye! I definitely miss this little one a lot! Today I’m praying that Sondley keeps his adorable, show-stopping smile all through life and uses it to show the joy and love of Christ to others! I pray that he uses all that he does to point to God, to put Christ in the spotlight. I pray that he’ll always have an eye out for his brothers and sisters, in the orphanage and in the church, and that he’ll be quick to befriend them and love on them. Praying he’ll never forget the love shown him and the importance of the friends he’s made and that this will prompt him to show those same characteristics to others. Praying that sponsors will join his family tree! That they’ll step forward to be a part of this sweet boy’s family! There is room for 4 more! Check it out here:

Look at cute little baby Sondley!

Photo credit: NWHCM

Photo credit: NWHCM

Now look how much he’s grown! But he’s still got his sweet smile!

Photo credit: NWHCM

Photo credit: NWHCM