1 // Fedna


So we’re going to start off this month of October is for Orphans again with a post featuring the very first… Fedna!!

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Fedna Civil
Birth date: 05/08/02
One word description: Joyful
Faves: Going to church,
going on walks, sitting outside, 

playing games with her siblings
BFFs: Fabiola, Neiderson
# of sponsors needed: 3

This sweet girl was the first orphan to be brought into the family at the Mole campus orphanage. Although many in her country would look down upon those with special needs or see them as lesser, Fedna breaks down all those barriers with just a smile. It has been beautiful to see the community of Mole Saint-Nicolas begin to value and love Fedna and to be in awe of the ways her life has changed – from neglected orphan to cherished child of the King!

Psalm 68:5-6
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy  dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners  with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land."
Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

This girl really is the face of the place for the Mole orphanage!

That face splitting grin of hers can literally light up a room! Her joy is contagious and when she starts to laugh, you can’t help but join in!

Besides joy, Fedna is just full of love, a kind of pure and unconditional love that only comes from God. She pours out love on her siblings at the orphanage and she loves to receive the godly love her family and friends shower over her. Fedna always has time for others and she enjoys just sitting together on the porch or going on walks around the beautiful campus.

As one of the oldest kids at the orphanage, all her younger brothers and sisters look up to and love playing with her – games like catch or tag. Recently it’s been precious to see her take little Fabiola under her wing as they laugh and play together.

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Today I want to pray circles around this precious girl and dear friend. I didn’t get to spend as much time with her this summer while I was there and I kind of wished I had. This girl has a heart of gold and I can feel Christ shining through her.

My prayer for Fedna is that she will grow in her understanding and acceptance of God’s love for her, that she would just be able to soak in His love like she soaks in the sunshine while sitting outside. My prayer is that the love and light of Christ will continue to shine through her and serve as a catalyst for change – in this community, in this country, and in this culture. That those who see her life transformation will see that it was only with God and that they will realize how much God loves all of His children, no matter what. I am amazed at how God has used her life and her example in such big ways to touch the lives of many already and I know He will continue to do so. He has even bigger plans still in store for her!

This year I want to circle this verse for Fedna:

1 John 3:1-3 
"See what kind of love the Father has 
given to us, that we should be called 
children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God's 
children  now, and what we will be has not
yet appeared; but we know that when he 
appears we  shall be like him, because we 
shall see him as he is. And everyone who 
thus hopes in him purifies himself as he 
is pure."
Photo credit: Morgan Brouk

Photo credit: Morgan Brouk

Okay, so here’s where we ask for some reader-participation! Besides praying circles around Fedna today, prayerfully consider joining her Family Tree! Without sponsorship and support from those like you this ministry of orphan care would be nearly impossible! There is a HUGE need for sponsors to partner with NWHCM and the Mole campus right now! Due to some changes with giving partners there are more bare branches in our kids’ Family Trees which is a perfect opportunity for you to get involved!!!

Currently, Fedna’s Family Tree has 3 open spots! Like I’ve mentioned, for just $30 a month you can support these kids and the wonderful mission that looks after them. Just thirty-bucks a month. Think how often you spend $30 a month on maybe some of the “less necessary things” – like eating out, getting new shoes, or buying all those pumpkin spice lattes like we mentioned yesterday… Just think, for about a dollar a day that money can go toward meeting these kids’ basic needs and seeing to it that every kid in the NWHCM orphanages and programs has an equal shot at a happy and healthy life. If you would like to learn more about Family Tree sponsorship and how to join as a branch on Fedna’s Family Tree check it out here!

Photo credit: Morgan Brouk

Photo credit: Morgan Brouk

Also, check out past October is for Orphans posts to see how Fedna has grown over the years and the prayers God has answered…
