8 // Laika


Today is the day to feature this hilariously fun and spunky girl!

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Laika Toussaint
Birth date: 02/18/07
Role: Prayer Warrior

Faves: joking around, playing with dolls,
playing soccer, braiding hair, leading prayer
BFFs: everyone!
# of sponsors needed: 8

I’m excited for the opportunity to introduce you to this crazy fun girl today!

Laika is a fireball of energy, all the time! I swear she just never stops and she is super pumped and hilariously joyfully about everything! This girl has the greatest arsenal of silly faces around but she also has the sweetest smile when she’s being a little more serious.

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Like many of her older siblings,Laika loves to help out, mainly by looking after her younger brothers and sisters. She will help her sisters learn how to braid their dolls’ hair or help her brothers learn a new game.

Photo credit: Morgan Brouk

Photo credit: Morgan Brouk

With her love for jokes and laughter, it is common to see her joking with her siblings or trying to make them laugh. Especially when she sees her brothers or sisters feeling sad or hurt, she will comfort them by sharing her joy. Either by her silly faces, a silly game she made up, or just acting like a goof, this girl knows how to make people laugh! And she’s often the first one to laugh at herself and her own jokes, and you can’t help but join in once you hear her sweet laughter!

Psalm 32:11
"Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!"

One such hilarious game she created this summer was to call people by the wrong name. In response to getting called by the wrong name, that person was supposed to answer by calling her by a different name. For example, she would call me “Morgan” so I would call her “Naomie” or she would call me “Patrick” then I would call her “Keny” or something and so the game went on… Laika thought this was hilarious and soon got all the older girls to join in and I’m not sure what all we started, but the joy and laughter were definitely worth it at the time!

Besides being loving and looking out for her siblings, Laika also has a heart to pray. She is quite the prayer warrior and will step up to lead prayer during the orphanage devotionals at night. She has prayed over me on several occasions and I am inspired by her growing desire to pray as a first-response in situations. (You can read more about one such experience in one of our older posts about Laika, just click the 2013 link at the bottom of the page!)

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

So, today I just want to circle this sweet, hilarious, and joyful girl in prayer! She has a heart for others that is filled up with love and joy from God. I pray that as she grows older she will continue to grow in her faith as well as refine and purify the joy she has and her love for others. Today I want to circle this verse from Proverbs for Laika. This has become one of my favorite verses from this passage on what it means to be a woman who fears the Lord. I prayer that Laika will grow into this type of woman of character, who fears the Lord and knows her strength is from Him alone. I pray that she would be full of grace, a quiet steadfast kind of strength, and that she would be unafraid of what the future holds. I pray she will never let life steal her joy and that she will continue to laugh even in the face of uncertainty or hardship to come. I pray she will rely on God for her joy and that it would continue to be like a well-spring bubbling up in her life.

Proverbs 31:25
"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come."
Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

So, if you have yet to join a Family Tree around here, maybe today is the day! While you’re praying circles around my dear friend, Laika, would you also ask God if He is leading you to sponsor a child here at NWHCM? Laika’s Family Tree is looking real bare and there are over 8 spots available for sponsors to join in! For $30/month you will have a direct impact on the life of a child in need. God has called us to love the least of these and what better way than joining their family and bringing them into yours through sponsorship? Consider it and check out Laika’s Family Tree page here to learn more about what it means to be a sponsor and how you can take that step today!

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Photo credit: Emily Spring

Also, go check out some past stories and prayers for Laika by clicking on the dates of some of our older posts below: